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Thank You, Veterans!

Kent County Conservation League is grateful for our Veterans and we just want to say “Thank You!”


KCCL Open - Winter Hours

Effective today, Wednesday, October 31st, KCCL will be operating under our updated Winter hours which will be Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 pm with the last line completed by 9 pm.

Wednesdays exclusively for youth sporting clay programs

Effective Wednesday, November 1st, KCCL will be reserved exclusively for the use of youth sporting clay programs.


KCCL Open - Winter Hours

Effective today, Wednesday, October 31st, KCCL will be operating under our updated Winter hours which will be Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 pm with the last line completed by 9 pm.

Wednesdays exclusively for youth sporting clay programs

Effective Wednesday, November 1st, KCCL will be reserved exclusively for the use of youth sporting clay programs.

Trane Outing

Large Outing

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