Pistol Range

pistol range 2015-04-08 19.23.44

The pistol range is open only to members and their guests.  Members must be present for guest use.


If you are a pistol shooter, you will really like our range. Each of the 13 numbered pistol firing positions has it’s own 15 yard, 25 yard and 50 yard target holder frame lined up with your 4 foot wide spot on the firing line bench. Our range is lighted so you can shoot after dark, and during the cold months it is heated to keep our shooters comfortable. Great for after work when it gets dark early! Target backers are furnished and all you need is a stapler and your target to be set for a days worth of fun and practice. Don’t forget your shooting glasses and hearing protectors.

There is also a 7 yard area with four firing points for your defensive shooting practice at closer range. And if you have a rim fire rifle you want to shoot, there are four bench rest style benches for you and targets at 25 and 50 yards.

We also have, permanently in place, metallic targets for you at 50 yards if you like to hear a clang after your bang. Kids seem to like this feature. But we do see the parents doing their share of clanging too.  Kids must be with a parent or adult to shoot there for obvious reasons.

We do offer shooting instructions from time to time for those of you who want to really improve your precision shooting. These classes will be listed in our club newsletter. The classes have been taught by a bulls eye pistol competition shooter and multi time winner of the Michigan State Championship.

For your action shooting skills we have several classes taught by a police and tactical shooting instructor. This class will teach you defensive shooting skills, shooting from various positions, reloading on the run, how to enter a room and barricade firing from differing positions.

We also offer CPL classes every month for those who want that license.  In addition to the CPL classes we also have a variety of other hand gun courses.

Check with our club manager for those class schedules or to sign up and for fee information.


Events Calendar

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